STTarter: Battle Tested

STTarter: The comprehensive application development accelerator platform has been in closed beta for around 6 months.  STTarter is now gearing up for its public launch.

About STTarter:

STTarter, as a SaaS platform helps developers accelerate building world class products and businesses. STTarter reduces development effort by over 70% for most projects while at the same time providing state of the art features and production quality at a fraction of the cost of developing it custom. STTarter provides out of the box solutions with the following modules

  • API Driven Content Management System – Build our content delivery modules within minutes. Your content structure set up and an API available instantly.
  • Product Ready Communication Platform – build out a WhatsApp styled product or integrate a complete B2C or C2C chat platform for your product in days
  • Get your eCommerce business up and running within minutes with the Wallet Module.
  • Run campaigns and track your campaigns with measurable returns using the Coupons Module
  • Powerful analytics and tracking for your GeoFenced or Beacon based applications


In the closed beta, STTarter facilitated 32 different applications from countries across the globe. The response was overwhelming. In the last 6 months we have served over 700,000 unique users, 23M API calls, 40,000 messages and over 80,000 wallet transactions. Truly, in the short period of time, we could not have asked for a better set of apps and customers that allowed us to enhance the product with truly useful features and providing a platform for real live battleground testing. Thank you!

A lot of exciting new features, a completely overhauled administration panel is coming your way soon. Stay tuned.


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